
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday's Catch: "How to Experience a Breakthrough in Your Church’s Growth" and More

How to Experience a Breakthrough in Your Church’s Growth

The growth of the church is for the good of the entire world, so your church needs to grow! But how? Read More
Remember, true church growth is NOT filling the pews every Sunday but multiplying the number of disciples who make disciples. You may pack your church every Sunday but if you are not producing more disciples who make disciples, your church is not growing!
The Most Underestimated Advantage for Church Growth

Followup is the most underestimated advantage for church growth. Read More

Why You Should Study Theology

Here are three reasons you should commit to understanding good theology. Read More

15 Things Seminary Teaches Me That My Pastor(ate) Can't

Greg Lanier offers a different perspective from that with the Gospel Coalition has been offering in its promotion of a new book 15 Things a Seminary Couldn't Teach Me. Read More

Ministry Is Not a Place to ‘Find Yourself’

There was a real, clear danger that the disciples would find their identity in ministry. If that was possible for them, how much more so for us today? Read More

3 Things Every Pastor Must Do

In my experience, if a pastor does these three things faithfully he will have the support of the vast majority of his people in almost any church anywhere. Read More

9 Things Pastors Can Learn from Missionaries

I spend a lot of time with missionaries, and they always challenge me and stretch me. Frankly, I wish I had spent more time with missionaries when I was a full-time pastor – as I think I would have been a better pastor. I don’t want to suggest that pastors are not already doing these things, but here are some things I think missionaries can remind us.... Read More

How to Preach to the Secular Age

While modern self-sufficient secularists are tempted toward belief, believers are constantly tempted toward self-sufficiency. The task of the preacher, it seems, is to aim at this dual temptation. We speak to the longings of those outside the faith and the wanderings of those inside. Read More

How To Preach Jesus Using The Psalms

We can find Jesus all over the Psalms, because the Psalms are his prayer book that points to him. And when we find Jesus in the Psalms, we also find ourselves. Read More

Seven Ways Church Members Should Prepare for a Sermon

I can see incredible church revitalization taking place if church members took on their own responsibilities of sermon preparation. Here are seven ways members can actively prepare for sermons. Read More

What We Miss When We Skip the Prophets

Aside from missing out on a fifth of God’s word, here are five specific treasures we miss when we consistently neglect the reading and study of the prophets. (These are not all features exclusive to the prophets, but they appear in most of the prophetic books.) Read More


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