
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: "Why Has It Become Harder To Stock the Church Planter Pipeline?" and More

Why Has It Become Harder To Stock the Church Planter Pipeline?

It’s become more difficult to recruit church planters today compared to the recent past. Read More

Is Your Church Plant Making a Difference?

There is a simple way to quantify the difference your church plant is making in the lives of people in your community. Here’s how. Read More

4 Reasons Perfectionism Doesn’t Belong in the Pastorate

Here are a few reasons perfectionism doesn’t belong in the pastorate. Read More

God’s Metrics

God’s metrics are not our metrics. The way in which we seek to measure fruitfulness and faithfulness is often quite skewed. Read More

The Big Thing Seminary Did Teach Me: I’ll Never Graduate from Learning

Pastors will always be students. Read More

10 Things You Should Know about 2 Corinthians

All of us have our favorite Bible verses. Some of us have our favorite Bible books. Mine is Second Corinthians. Perhaps that is due to the fact that it is so profoundly pastoral and describes in detail how Paul interacted with a church that treated him poorly. In any case, if you’ve never studied Second Corinthians I urge you to do so. Here are ten things about the letter that may help you get started. Read More

Are You REALLY Praying in Jesus’ Name?

“In Jesus’ name” was never designed to be a tack-on at the end of our superficial requests. Rather, “in Jesus’ name” is a reality that changes why, how, and what we pray, from the very opening moment of our communion with God. Read More

How to Save Your Privacy from the Internet’s Clutches

Practical tips to fight surveillance capitalism. Read More

Creepy Chick-fil-A and New York(er) Values: The Shock (and Slander) are Getting Old

The treatment the fast food restaurant has received for its “pervasive Christian traditionalism” is getting old and tired. Read More

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