
Friday, April 20, 2018

What Scale Will God use on Judgment Day?

One of my favorite ways to explain the Gospel these days is to use the scales analogy.

It wasn’t too long ago that a Muslim explained to me that on the day of judgment (Qiyamat) scales will be brought before each human being, and, like measuring grain, all of the good deeds that someone has done in their lifetime will be poured on one side of the scale, and all of the bad deeds that someone has done will be poured on the other side of the scale. If the good side weighs more than the bad side, the person will be allowed into Heaven.

This scale is not unique to Islam, though. It is the default position of every human being from birth. We all believe that we are inherently good, and that one day God will let us into Heaven based on our goodness. There is a simple way to expose this when sharing the Gospel.

Simply ask the person if they believe that they are good. Or, even better, ask the question, “If you were to die today and stand before God, and if He were to ask you, “Why should I let you into Heaven, what would you say?” I’ve found that most of the time the person has never been asked this question, and their answer reveals some type of works-based answer. When they answer, ask them if the above scale analogy fits their understanding of what will happen on the Day of Judgment. Every person I’ve asked lately, regardless of religion, has said yes.

That’s when you come in with a different scale. Read More

Also See:
The Reality of Living Before God

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