
Monday, May 07, 2018

5 Keys To Having Meaningful, Life-Giving Conversations With Non-Christians

At some point, if you are sincere about your Christian faith, you are going to have a conversation with someone about it. Or are you?

Let me back up a minute, if “being a Christian” is something you take seriously, you are probably going to THINK about having a conversation with someone about it. AND – you may wonder HOW to have that conversation.

Listen, I have been a Christian my whole life and have also been a thoughtful student of the human art of conversation for years and I find this thing – “sharing my faith” – incredibly hard to do.

But I WANT to – I really want to. I actually believe that meeting Jesus on this side of heaven will make life richer and more joyful and more peaceful than anything else available to us. There is a tenacity and fierceness to God’s love through Jesus that holds people firmer in the face of life’s struggles than anyone can imagine.

I want everyone to know this.


Well, the key is figuring out how to start, how to continue the conversation and eventually, how to let it go.

Join me here:

Relationships are complicated. Communication between two individuals is often fraught with misunderstanding. The timing isn’t always right and sometimes you are just not in the mood.

But despite all that, I want to let you in on a few key principles that you absolutely need to know before you take this type of conversation on.

Here they are.... Read More

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