
Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday's Catch: "How We Should (and Shouldn’t) Relate to Islam " and More

How We Should (and Shouldn’t) Relate to Islam [Podcast]

Zane Pratt on Protestants and Muslims. Listen Now

Ready for Ramadan: Why Christians Worldwide Will Join Muslims to Pray for Next 30 Days

The Ramadan season of fasting and prayer for millions of Muslims around the globe started Tuesday night, but Muslims won't be the only ones praying. Read More

Ramadan 2018: When Does It Start, and Why Do Muslims Observe It?

Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection, studying the Quran, acts of charity and spending time with loved ones. Here are six things you should know about it. Read More

Raising the Bar for Volunteers

The level of commitment and accountability for a school sports team is often higher than that of church volunteers. Why? Read More

Should I Always Preach through Books of the Bible?

Jay Thomas weighs the assets of preaching serially through whole books of the Bible against its liabilities. Read More

Three Reasons Why We Can Trust the Old Testament

In this article Wyatt Graham counters the arguments of Christian leaders like Andy Stanley, Greg Boyd, and Bruxy Cavey depreciating the value of the Old Testament. Read More

How to Stand With Jesus in the Messy Middle

It’s not easy to take the middle ground on polarizing issues, but it opens the door for the kind of conversations Christ modeled. Read More

This Church Is Spreading the Gospel With Food

The Vineyard Ministries in Hampton, Virginia has opened a non-profit grocery store. Originally intended to help its members, last year the church opened the store to all people in their community. So far the store has helped 10,000 families. Read More
Many neighborhoods particularly in the inner city would greatly benefit from a non-profit grocery store like the one described in this article. One of the reasons for the high levels of food insecurity in inner city neighborhoods is not only the low incomes of its residents but the lack of stores where its residents may buy reasonably-priced, healthy, nutritious food, enabling them to stretch their food dollars and SNAP (food stamp) benefits further.
3 Tips for Sharing Your Faith in a Natural Way[Video]

At Katoomba Easter Convention, public evangelist Sam Chan shares three good tips on evangelism. Watch Now

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