
Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Gen Z, Let’s Prioritize the Gospel as We Pursue Justice

In junior high, I became friends with a social justice warrior. She wasn’t a Christian, but she had an extravagant and sincere concern for people and was driven to eradicate suffering and bring relief. She was the first teenager I met who was actively involved in collecting food for the homeless, donating her hair to cancer research, attending rallies for refugees, and raising awareness for human trafficking, child soldiers, and global famine. She woke me up to some of these issues for the first time.

But her love for justice wasn’t rooted in spiritual realities; it was intertwined with simple idealism and a search for self-fulfillment in temporary humanitarian relief. More than anyone else I know, she lives out the dominant and defining belief of Generation Z: social justice is our god. Read More
The image shows a matron in her pearls serving soup - symbolic of an earlier generation whose love for justice was also not rooted in spiritual realities.

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