
Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday's Catch: "How To Tell if it’s a Prosperity Gospel Church" and Much More

How To Tell if it’s a Prosperity Gospel Church

The prosperity gospel is a diverse, popular, and worldwide movement that understands faith to be the instrument through which Christians can attain physical health, material riches, and divine favor. There are countless thousands of these churches around the world with various levels of adherence to the key tenets of the wider movement, yet they rarely advertise themselves as prosperity gospel churches. So how can we know if a church is part of this movement? In Kate Bowler’s book Blessed, she provides some helpful guidance. Read More

Six Keys to Detecting the ‘Prosperity Gospel’[Podcast; Transcript]

In this podcast John Piper answers the question, " do you recognize prosperity theology when it’s not blatantly obvious? What are some key indicators to discern a ‘soft’ prosperity theology?" Listen to Podcast or Read Transcript

10 Things You Should Know about the Jehovah's Witnesses

Here are some ten things that may prove helpful for you to know, especially as they likely will come knocking at your door sometime soon. Read More

11 Things to Know about the Doctrine of the Trinity

These 11 things were taken from Dr. Fred Sander's course on the Holy Trinity. Read More

7 Steps to Take When Sunday Hurts

For some of you, yesterday was a difficult day. Something happened (or has been happening) within your congregation that makes your ministry difficult. If that’s where you are today, here are a few suggestions.... Read More

When Good Fruit Comes From Flawed Leaders

How should we respond when we discover the depths of a leader’s sinfulness? Does it discount the good they’ve done? Read More

Why Bishop Michael Curry’s Sermon Brought Down The House At The Royal Wedding

Carey Nieuwhof share his thoughts on what other preachers can learn from Presiding Bishop Curry's sermon at the royal wedding. Read More
The main purpose of Carey Nieuwhof's article is to draw attention to the five things Curry did that connected with people other than the sermon's content. Curry has a reputation of being an excellent preacher and that reputation is apparently well-deserved. I have also included two generous critiques of the content of Curry's sermon which in its half-truths and omissions was a sticking point for many Anglicans and non-Anglicans.
Bishop Curry and His Royal Sermon

Murray Campbell shares his thoughts on Presiding Bishop Curry's sermon. Read More

What Would Jesus Say About Bishop Curry’s Royal Wedding Sermon?

Garrett Kell share his thoughts on the Presiding Bishop's sermon at the royal wedding. Read More

3 Key Guardrails for a Disciple-Making Culture

We have to be willing to be unsuccessful in this world in order to be successful in the world to come. Read More

A False Spiritual Maturity Test For Christians…And A Better One

How do you know if you’re producing spiritually mature disciples or not? How do you measure? Read More

Why We Need A Different Kind Of 'Maturity' In The Church

Maybe what poses as ‘maturity’ isn’t always maturity. Read More

8 Steps to a Globally-Minded Church

As church leaders, we must be concerned with the immediate community where we lead. However, we are called to make disciples of all nations. Our ministry is to work in such a way that we are guiding the church make a local and global impact with the gospel. Here are a few steps to take in order to lead a globally-minded church.... Read More

Haunted by the Mission

While I believe we as pastors and leaders will answer for our words, our leadership, and our love at the judgment seat of Christ, I believe we will most certainly answer for our commitment to make disciples or our lack thereof. Jesus’ last words to his followers were to make disciples. So how do we go about strategizing our church around the mission of disciple-making? Read More

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