
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thursday's Catch: "Why Some Pastors Aren't Ready to Lead in Church Revitalization" and More

Why Some Pastors Aren't Ready to Lead in Church Revitalization

I believe in church planting, and I also believe in church revitalization. We need to do both if we want to reach North America. I’m particularly interested in revitalization because of the people and property resources available for kingdom work, but I’m not convinced every pastor is ready to lead through a revitalization effort. Here’s why.... Read More

Five Reasons You Need a Thick Skin to Lead in Church Revitalization or Replanting [Podcast]

Revitalization takes thick skin to avoid the discouragements and criticisms. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss five common criticisms and how to handle them. Read More

12 Spiritual Disciples That Will Make Your Faith Strong

Brandon Hilgemann surveys the twelve primary spiritual activities that Jesus practiced and the Bible prescribes for all believers. Read More

Have You Fallen Into the “Passionate Preaching Trap”?

If a pastor isn’t careful, they will only preach on the things they find important. This can be good and bad. Read More

What If I Can’t Sing?

If you can speak, you can sing. God designed you to sing and gave you everything you need to sing as well as he wants you to. He’s far less concerned with your tunefulness than your integrity. Christian singing begins with the heart, not the lips (Eph. 5:19). Read More
I have been reading Keith and Kristyn Getty’s new book, Sing!: How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church (B&H, 2017) and I definitely recommend it to Anglicans Ablaze readers.
The Oldest, Most Ignored Social Media Command

Not only did this rule start before AOL was handing out free dial-up minutes, it was established even before the printing press. But this commandment is perhaps more applicable today on social media than any other. Read More

Respectfully Engaging Animism [Video]

In this episode of The Table Podcast, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Ken Nehrbass discuss understanding and respectfully engaging Animism. Watch Now

New Initiative Hopes to Bridge the Divide in Evangelicalism

A new body is being formed in an attempt to mend the rift that has developed in evangelicalism following the 2016 election. Read More

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