
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

5 Steps to Broaden your Ministry Platform

Many of you who are reading this just came back from the Southern Baptist Convention where you rubbed shoulders with the pastors you want to be just like. If we are honest (and not careful), we will also admit that we rubbed shoulders with some pastors we are jealous of. It can be easy to look at others and consider how influential you might be if you had the platform that he has, or what you would be able to do if you had the influence of that guy over there.

If you’ve ever longed for a more prominent ministry role, this article is for you. It’s kind of a bait and switch, though. See, the truth is that if you clicked on this because you are looking to broaden your ministry platform, you might not yet be ready to have a larger ministry platform. If we aren’t careful, we can desire to have a platform that outpaces our character. So, instead of five easy steps to broaden your ministry platform, here are five reasons that you may not need to. Read More

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