
Monday, June 18, 2018

Be a Small Town Pastor

I’ve reached the point in my life where, for whatever reason, I spend a good portion of my time encouraging and coaching younger men. I relish the opportunity to speak whatever affirmation and direction I am able to give to these young men, however limited. Among the younger men I counsel, several of them are in the ministry—or hope to be at some point. During the course of our conversations, I am often asked about career path. Most pointedly, these men want to know: How do you get to become a Senior Pastor of an established church? What does it take?

To be honest, every pastor could answer this question differently. My story is certainly idiosyncratic to the way the Lord wanted to shape my life. But one thing keeps popping up as I tell my story: I learned the most about being a pastor when I was pastoring a small, rural church.

That’s why I find myself consistently recommending those considering a career in ministry to pastor a smaller rural church, if at all possible. Here’s why.... Read More

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