
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Climate Watch: "Global Warming Cooks Up 'A Different World' Over 3 Decades." And More

Global warming cooks up “a different world” over 3 decades

On June 23, 1988, a sultry day in Washington, James Hansen told Congress and the world that global warming wasn’t approaching — it had already arrived. The testimony of the top NASA scientist, said Rice University historian Douglas Brinkley, was “the opening salvo of the age of climate change.” Thirty years later, it’s clear that Hansen and other doomsayers were right. And the change has been sweeping. Read More

Corals, blueberry bushes and polar bears: Signs of global warming are all around turns out climate isn't the only thing that's changing: Nature itself is, too. That's the picture painted by interviews with more than 50 scientists and an Associated Press analysis of data on plants, animals, pollen, ice, sea level and more. Read More

Washington warmed slowest of all states over past 30 years — but what does it mean for climate change?

A new analysis of climate data by The Associated Press shows that Washington has warmed the slowest out of all other states over the past 30 years. Here's what the experts say that means for climate change. Read More

Antarctica's Ice Sheet Is Melting 3 Times Faster Than Before

The melting of Antarctica is accelerating at an alarming rate, with about 3 trillion tons of ice disappearing since 1992, an international team of ice experts said in a new study. Read More
Not only is the culture changing in North America, so is the climate. These are realities from which North American Christians cannot hide.  

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