
Monday, June 04, 2018

Evangelism Is NOT Optional! #01

Check Your Church's Outreach Heartbeat

If your church is struggling to invest in reaching your community and the world, ask yourself this question: Are we a church that is on fire with a passion for God? Read More

4 Ways to Involve Everyone in Evangelism

Pastors can and should equip the church body to understand their role in evangelization. Among other things, a church can do four things to encourage the spirit and practice of evangelism. Read More

3 Church Methods That Need to Change

In light of modern cultural realities, here are three methodological shifts churches should consider to more effectively make disciples and reach our communities. Read More

How to Set Up a ‘Gospel Appointment’—Part 2

Setting up a gospel appointment quite simple. Here are natural ways to do it based on the context where the invitation happens. Read More

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