
Friday, June 15, 2018

Friday's Catch: "Do You Think God Looks Like You?" and More

Do You Think God Looks Like You?

The biblical admonition that we can’t know what God looks like doesn’t keep us from imagining. Not surprisingly, many envision God to look like them. Read More

Andy Stanley, Modern Liberal

David Prince, assistant professor of Christian preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary concludes, from a comparison of Andy Stanley's comments on the Bible and J. Gresham Machen’s book, Christianity and Liberalism, that Andy Stanley is a modern liberal. Read More
Andy Stanly claims that when preaching to the unchurched, it is pointless to use phrases like "The Bible says" because the Bible carries no authority with the unchurched. This claim is not entirely unfounded but what Christians hear Stanley saying is the Bible is not authoritative for believers and unbelievers. This has the effect of eroding and weakening the authority of the Bible in the minds of those who attend churches where the pastor and the other members of the leadership team have been strongly influenced by Stanley's books, sermons, talks, and videos. One of the results is that they are exploring liberal views of the Bible both as individuals and in small groups. Among the casualties of this development is the doctrine of the perspicuity of Scripture, that is, ordinary Christians can read and understand the Bible without having special knowledge and can grasp what they need to know for their salvation.
What to Do If You Are Exhausted from Ministry - Rainer on Leadership #441 [Podcast]

Ministry never stops. Because of this, it can be quite exhausting. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss how to combat this exhaustion. Listen Now

Five Observations About Authentic Self-Awareness

Do you have an authentic self-awareness? Do you look at yourself honestly and realistically? I want to share five observations about authentic self-awareness. Read More

Africans Call Me "Father" (and It's Humbling)

Kurt Bubna reflects on the differences between the way Africans and North Americans view age. Read More

A Vision for Getting Older

Daryl Dash shares his reflections on getting older. Read More

What Are Christian Apologetics, and How Do They Relate to the Gospel Anyways?

The greatest apologetic for faith is embedded in the gospel message itself. Read More

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