
Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday's Catch: "Equipping Millennials in the Church" And More

Equipping Millennials in the Church - Rainer on Leadership #443 [Podcast]

Chris Martin, the Millennial Evangelical, joins Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe to discuss Ministering to Millennials and how your church can better equip and engage Millennials. Listen Now

Keeping the Trinity Personal

Defending the oneness of God shouldn't nullify the Bible's claims about the mutual love of Father, Son, and Spirit. Read More

3 Reasons Why Church Leaders Need to Be Familiar with Secular Worldviews

As our culture becomes more relativistic, pluralistic, and me-centered, these types of secular worldviews shape the messages we see and the content overall. Leaders in the church need to become wise observers of our culture so that we can learn to identify the worldview of the content we take in so that we can point ourselves, the people we lead, and the people we serve back to Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). In light of that, here are three reasons church leaders need to understand how secular worldviews have influenced our culture. Read More

10 Reasons Bivocational Ministry Matters

“I didn’t come to seminary to be a bivocational minister, to have to get another kind of job,” my student told me. I may not have agreed with my student, but I did understand his thinking. Back then (almost 15 years ago), we weren’t talking much about bivocational ministries. Now, that conversation has shifted. Pastors are beginning to embrace as their primary calling the role of bivocational minister. Some even intend to remain bivocational regardless of the size of their church as it grows. If the Lord were to call me into a bivocational church role, here is why I would gladly follow His leading. Read More
Originally posted on Chuck Lawless' blog in August 2014, this article is still relevant today as it was then, perhaps even more so.
Your Interpretation May Not Be Inerrant, but Your Bible Is

Derek J. Brown examines John Feinberg's treatment of scriptural inerrancy in his book Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture.Read More

Supernatural Power for Those Who Don't Fit In

When we’re filled with God’s Spirit, we worry less about fitting in and more about pouring out. Read More

Global Religious Freedom Takes Its Biggest Hit in Over a Decade

Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. It's also still the most restricted. Read More

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