
Friday, June 29, 2018

How to Revitalize Your Church—The 5 R’s

The word revitalize comes from a Latin word that we probably know: vitalis. We think of vital organs as those that are necessary for life. So a church needs life, or it will die.

A different metaphor of church as a blighted urban neighborhood might help us to understand how to bring a dead church back on track. Basically, planners can either gentrify or revitalize a neighborhood. Gentrification is a kind of top-down approach where the urban planners allow the neighborhood to go downhill. When the neighborhood becomes so blighted that people don’t want to live there anymore, the planners bulldoze the place and build million dollar condos. Revitalization of a neighborhood is more of a ground-up approach where people are empowered to use their abilities to make the neighborhood better. It takes time and shepherding, but it can work. The same thing goes for a church. And revitalization is possible because we serve a God who specializes in resurrections.

That’s the gospel. That’s the good news that God can revitalize the dead.

What does it mean to revitalize a church in a way that that is gospel-centered? Let me share the five R’s of revitalization: reframing grace, realigning mission, recasting vision, remembering the journey and renewing all things. Read More

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