
Monday, June 11, 2018

No, Amazon Tribes Should Not Be Allowed To Kill Their Children

If you thought that cultural relativism on the Left would stop at the ritual slaughter of innocent children, you were wrong.

A post at Get Religion caught my eye yesterday with the title, “Should Amazon tribes be allowed to kill their young? Foreign Policy editors aren’t sure.” It linked to a story in Foreign Policy magazine from April 9 about a handful of indigenous tribes in Brazil that engage in the ritual killing of infants and children—namely, those with a disability, twins, and the children of single mothers, all of whom are considered to be a bad omen—and the legal efforts underway to end the practice.

One would think that the answer to the question posed by the subtitle to the Foreign Policy article—“Should Brazil keep its Amazon tribes from taking the lives of their children?”—would be a resounding, “Yes.” Surely no one would argue these tribes have a right to kill unwanted children. Surely even the most committed multiculturalist would not condone such barbarity. Right?

But to assume that would be to underestimate the force of cultural relativism on the Left. If our friends on the Left encountered, in the present day and in real life, the ritual human sacrifices of the Aztecs or the fires of the Canaanite god Moloch, more than a few would insist that we not pass judgement on these indigenous cultural practices, and would probably denounce those who tried to do so as racists and imperialists. Read More

Related Posts:
Should Amazon tribes be allowed to kill their young? Foreign Policy editors aren't sure
The Right to Kill
By the same logic, it is acceptable for practitioners of witchcraft to kill albinos in Tanzania for their body parts, African immigrants to the British Isles to beat, burn, and scald children to rid them of demons, and various people groups around the world to mutilate the genitals of young girls, treat them as chattel, deny them even a basic education, and murder them on the pretext they offended their family's honor because "it's their culture."

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