
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Planting and Your Pastor: When They Don’t Share Your Conviction—Part 1

So, you’re currently reading through the book of Acts, or have recently read a book or even attended a conference on the topic of church planting. Maybe none of the above. However, the Lord is stirring your heart as a staff pastor toward multiplying God’s kingdom through church planting.

Over the next few weeks, you begin to share this conviction and desire for your church to get involved in this movement through praying and partnering. The only problem is, your senior pastor does not share the conviction or passion. The stirring in your heart does not equate to a shift in his. What do you do now? How do you get him to buy in? Do you leave? Do you stay?

Let me offer you three biblical and practical steps to help shape the heart of your senior pastor and his leadership circle of influence.... Read More


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