
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #03

The Curse of Knowledge: A Preaching Death Trap – Part 1 of 3

Fact, ideas and concepts that are so common knowledge to you they seem mundane, would blow someone else’s mind.... Every time you preach you run the risk of making people feel stupid just because they don’t know what you’re talking about. Read More

Finding Your Preaching Voice

It’s not hard to tell who’s influencing rookie preachers, it tends to come out in their delivery. Sometimes when I’m listening to young guys preach, I can see John Piper in their “exaltation” expressions, or Tim Keller in their “conversational” style or Matt Chandler in their “are you tracking with me “statements. Finding your preaching voice can be difficult, so here are some tips to help you along the way. Read More

Shorter Sermons Aren’t Always Better | Ideal Sermon Length? [Podcast]

What’s the ideal sermon length? That’s a question that gets a lot of opinions. My opinion? Shorter sermons aren’t always better. In this episode, we’ll dive into 5 questions to help you determine your ideal sermon length. Listen Now
If you are a part of a preaching team or mentoring one or more preachers, you may want to share these articles and this podcast with the other preachers on the team or the preacher or preachers you're mentoring.

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