
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #05

The Kobayashi Maru of Sunday Sermons

Those who preach face many seemingly unwinnable situations. Dan Reiland offers 4 ways that we can beat the most challenging of these situations. Read More

How to Structure Your Sermon Like a Story[Podcast]

Everyone loves a good story. So what if we could structure our sermon like a story? If you’re willing to try something new, the sticky sermons structure is a way to outline every message you preach that follows the principles of storytelling. In today’s episode, we dive into what that looks like. Listen Now

Unchurched Or Unsaved? What Our Vocabulary Reveals About Our Beliefs

Trevin Wax: I wonder if one of the main reasons for the dwindling number of baptisms is represented by a subtle shift in vocabulary--so subtle that we might overlook it. Read More

Five Subtle Ways Satan Sneaks Into Your Pulpit

Larry Moyer: Effective ministry demands that we recognize the tactics of the enemy and then guard against them in our preaching. Read More

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