
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice to Pastors and Lay Preachers #04

Sermon Content Is What Appeals Most to Churchgoers

A new Gallup poll suggests the content of the sermons could be the most important factor in how soon worshippers return. Gallup measured a total of seven different reasons why those who attend a place of worship at least monthly say they go. Three in four worshippers noted sermons or talks that either teach about scripture or help people connect religion to their own lives as major factors spurring their attendance. Read More

Preach the Gospel in Every Sermon

A sermon without the gospel is like a boat without water. It may sound and look good, but you’re going nowhere. The gospel is what separates Christianity from just good advice. Read More

7 Ways Mission Trips Have Helped Me Preach Better

I admit that the title of this post sounds arrogant, but that’s not my intent. I’ve simply learned a lot about communicating by trying to preach around the world, and I think I probably communicate better today because of mission trips. Here’s what I’ve learned that I hope might help you, too. Read More

Better Sermon Delivery: 5 Surprising Steps [Podcast]

All of us, no matter how long we’ve been preaching, can improve at our sermon delivery. But we have to work on it intentionally. Here are 5 surprising steps toward better sermon delivery. Read More

Sermons Aren’t Popcorn: Tips for Being a Good Listener to God’s Word

There is a way to glorify God most in how we go about listening to a sermon, whether in person or online. Here are five tips to help us be sermon listeners and not just sermon consumers. Read More
Whether you are a pastor or a lay preacher, I think that you will want to share this article with your congregation.

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