
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Rook, Leadership, and Playing the Hand You’re Dealt

Many years ago, extended-family visits—especially on my Mom’s side—featured one staple: multiple games of Rook*. It did not matter whether it was Thanksgiving, Christmas, or some other get-together, if Dad and my uncles were under the same roof for more than a few minutes, the cards, paper, and pen were brought out for as many games as they could play. (Rook can be played with 2-6 players. We always played with four players and it is that configuration that informs this post.)

Being young, I was relegated to watching. But, as soon as they deemed me old enough I was allowed to participate. I may not be tournament-good, but I’m family-good.

I have not played Rook in a number of years, but for many it remains a vacation and family gathering staple. As I think about how Rook is played—and how to win games—these six leadership thoughts come to mind. Read More


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