
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: "4 Experiments to Run this Summer to Help Your Church This Fall" and More

4 Experiments to Run this Summer to Help Your Church This Fall

Rather than looking for the “perfect” strategy for your church, it’s better to consider your practices as a series of experiments and then watch the results. Read More

5 Stupid Things The Church Needs To Stop Doing To Make Progress

Sometimes criticism aimed at the church is unfair. Other times, we shoot ourselves in the foot. Read More

If You Want Your Church to Grow, Consider These 4 Factors

Ricahard Varnell shares his observations why some churches are growing and others are not. Read More

Four Steps for Dealing with a #MeToo Moment in Your Church - Rainer on Leadership #445 [Podcast]

Josh Bryant, the Church Law Guru, joins Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe to discuss how your church can prepare for and respond to a #MeToo accusation. Listen Now

Good News, Satan Wants to Destroy You!

It may sound weird, but knowing we have an enemy is encouraging. Read More

10 Ways to Disagree Online Without Being a Jerk

Insults are more likely to push undecided people away from your side, not towards it. Read More

Here’s What You Need to Know About Online Evangelism

While social media gives Christians a platform to talk about their faith before millions, it can also drive just as many away. Read More

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