
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: "Raising the Commitment Level within Your Church" And More

Raising the Commitment Level within Your Church

Focus on raising the commitment of your leadership, not those who are the least committed in the crowd or even the semi-committed in your congregation. Whenever you raise the standard of commitment for those who are in the most visible positions of leadership, it raises the expectations among everyone else. Read More

Your 5 Biggest Volunteer Recruiting Questions Answered

Encouraging the people of your church to step forward and serve can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be, according to LifeWay’s Todd Adkins, Daniel Im, and Eric Geiger, hosts of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast.Recently, Adkins, Im, and Geiger released five episodes specifically related to recruiting volunteers in churches, providing church leaders with practical advice and answering some of their top questions. Here are some of the highlights from their conversations. Read More

Does Your Church Have Enough Samaritans?

Samaria has always been as fruitful a venue for the gospel as it has been a repulsive place for God’s people to initially consider engaging. Read More

Guess Who’s Coming to Church: Multiracial Congregations Triple Among Protestants

Sociologists evaluate the progress and future of the evangelical push for church diversity. Read More

If Same-Sex Attraction Is Sinful, Then What?

Denny Burk, co-author of Transforming Homosexuality and author of "Is Homosexual Orientation Sinful?" examines three pastoral implications of the observations that he and Heath Lambert made in their book. Read More

Park Farthest Away: 5 Simple Pastoral Habits To Defy Our “Me First” Culture

Leadership is an opportunity to serve. Anyone who doesn’t see it that way is not a leader, just a boss. Read More

2 Reasons We Ignore Our Weaknesses Instead of Addressing Them

In his book, The Leadership Code, Dave Ulrich challenges leaders to be at least average in key disciplines of leadership or their weakness will crush them. Yet many leaders choose to ignore their weaknesses completely for the following two reasons.... Read More

Ten Ways Every Christian Can Strengthen Their Church

Paul Chappell shares 10 biblical principles that Christians, if they take these principles to heart and live them, will help build their church. Read More

The Biggest Misunderstanding of God’s Design for Our Money

Generosity was never meant to be a leftover. Generosity was meant to be the priority. Read More

Can You Identify Facts in a News Story? Many Americans Can’t

A new study finds Americans struggle to identify factual statements, as opposed to opinion, in news articles. The findings address concerns over fake news. Not surprisingly, the Pew Research study also found that people were more likely to think news statements are factual when the statements appeal to their side, even if the statements were opinions. Read More

In Western Europe ‘Christians’ are Less Religiously Committed Than American ‘Nones’

A new survey finds that while most people in Western Europe consider themselves to be Christians, they are less religious than ‘nones’ (i.e., atheists, agnostics, and religiously unaffiliated) are in America. Read More

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