
Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: " Is Behavior More Important than Doctrine?" and More

The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity #4: Is Behavior More Important than Doctrine?

In this fourth post in his blog series on "The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity," Michael Kruger examines the fourth core tenet of progressive (or liberal) Christianity offered by Richard Roth, based upon a book by Philip Gulley Read More

Essential Tips for Welcoming Visitors

First impressions are incredibly important, so it’s a good idea to train your welcome staff on the following points of etiquette. Read More

Eight Time Drainers of Pastors and Staff (and Eight Solutions)

Thom Rainer looks at some of the greatest time drainers of pastors and staff and offers suggestions about improving each of them. Read More

5 Reasons I Still Believe in the People of God

In my 35+ years of full-time ministry, I’ve at times wanted to walk away from my calling. People problems have usually turned my heart in that direction. Even today, it’s hard to watch as brothers and sisters in Christ struggle and fall. I’m not giving up on God’s people, though. Here’s why.... Read More

Don't Let Your Children's Sermon Go the Way of the Flannelgraph

How we've made those five minutes of our service some of the most influential—for kids and adults. Read More

Audio Mixing 101

One of the hardest things to teach a new sound operator is how to mix. It requires the development of an “ear” for what to change, when to change it and what levels are appropriate. The best advice I usually give is to listen to the radio, CDs and anywhere professional-level mixing is done. This will go a long way in understanding what goes into a mix, but that will only do so much. Read More

Growing Old Graciously

I’ve thought a lot about my journey into and through middle-agedness, precipitated mainly by my transition out of the pastorate and into the pew and having pastored quite a few elderly saints before that transition. I’ve seen men and women grow old well. And I’ve seen some men and women grow old not so well. I do not want to be in the latter camp, and I’ve determined to begin thinking about it now, at the relatively young-old age of 42. I don’t want age to sneak up on me, because that’s how one grows grouchy, I suspect. I may not be able to grow old gracefully—seriously, every morning something new creaks and I am in danger of injury just from yawning—but I can certainly, by God’s grace, grow old graciously. Here’s how.... Read More

When Flesh and Heart Fail: Why Believers Should Consider Advance Directives

In an era of increasingly complex medical care we can’t afford to ignore life’s end, or to divorce our medical decisions from our Christian values. Even amid the sophisticated gadgetry of the intensive care unit, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1). Careful delineation of our wishes through an advance directive ensures that when life-threatening illness overwhelms, the gospel remains central. Listen to the Article or Read It

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