
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: "7 Intangibles Needed in Leading Church Revitalization" and More

7 Intangibles Needed in Leading Church Revitalization

Many times in leadership the intangibles determine the quality of our leadership. I have learned this is especially true in church revitalization. Read More

5 Reasons People Aren’t Inviting Friends To Church

Have your regular attenders stopped inviting friends? One of these reasons could be the culprit. Read More
This article is a repost from May. It challenges us to think about what we can do to improve our church's worship and overall Sunday experience; to help the congregation become more outward-looking; to become more careful with our words in our preaching and teaching, to focus on the gospel, and to speak with love and grace for all; and to make transformed lives our big picture goal.
3 Common Blind Spots in Leaders

Everyone struggles with self-awareness to a degree, and we are foolish if we think we are immune. Our lack of self-awareness in life and leadership is often referred to as our blind spots. I have been leading other leaders for a long time, watching them interact with their teams and with the team they serve on, and I’ve seen three common blind spots in leaders. Read More

5 Dumb Myths Too Many Leaders Believe

How do you know you haven’t fallen for a leadership myth that simply isn’t true? Answer: sometimes you don’t. Read More

The Importance Of Doing lowercase ministry In An ALL CAPS World

We can be loud, or we can be heard. But we can seldom do both. Read More

Should Pastors Preach Less Often?

When I served as a pastor, I seldom missed preaching on a Sunday. Other than vacations, I was in the pulpit for both Sunday morning and Sunday night (and Wednesday night, for that matter). Thus, I’m surprised when I see young pastors who invite others to preach regularly in their place—sometimes as often as once a month, if not more. This approach makes me wonder what I would do if I were pastoring today. Here’s my thinking. Read More

Sunday Church Services Are Not About You

Six tangible ways congregations can shift their gatherings from me to us. Read More

Eight Ways the Digital World Has Changed Local Church Ministry - Rainer on Leadership #442 [Podcast]

Churches continue to be shaped by the changing digital world. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss eight specific ways churches have been changed by technology and digital resources. Listen Now

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