
Friday, June 08, 2018

Death Toll from Volcán de Fuego's Eruption Rises: Pray for the Churches and People in Guatemala

While searching the internet for articles to which post links for today's edition of Anglicans Ablaze, I came across this article, "What Kīlauea Cannot Take: How to Pray for Churches in Hawaii." The volcanic eruption on Hawaii's main island has caused a lot of property damage and impacted the island's population in other ways. But from what I have read, the volcanic eruption in Guatemala has taken a far greater toll in lives, livestock, and livelihoods. The eruption caught many people living near the volcano by surprise. While the churches in Hawaii may need our prayers so do the people and churches in Guatemala. Guatemala may enjoy the highest gross national product in Central America, but 75% of its population live in poverty. Many people were forced to live near the volcano because they had no where else that they could live.

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