
Thursday, June 28, 2018

What Everyone Is Afraid to Say about Evangelism

Have you recently listened to a medication commercial? They start off by telling you all the fantastic things the medication can do, but after about three sentences the spokesperson begins to speak incredibly fast about all of the side effects. Generally, these effects are not good. One trick the commercials use is showing the people on screen in fun situations and happy as can be while the voice-over is clarifying the sometimes awful side effects that will take place.

Sadly, this reminds me of how many believers share the gospel.

Don’t want to spend eternity burning in hell? Want to feel secure when you do risky things knowing that when you die, you’ll be good to go? Trust in Jesus! It’s easy and lasts forever! And just like the medication commercials, we tend to gloss over the side effects. Just listen to the voice-over: Followers of Jesus often experience trials and tribulations. They are hated for the sake of Christ. The road is narrow, the gate is small, and you must die daily to self, take up your cross and follow Him.

Every mature believer should be an evangelist, sharing their faith, and leading others to understand and accept the gift of salvation by grace through faith. But we must not stop there. The Great Commission doesn’t stop there. After the going, and the making, and the baptizing of disciples in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit there is another element to making disciples: teach them to observe all I have commanded you. Read More

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