
Friday, July 20, 2018

Five Ways to Connect with Unchurched and Nonbelieving Folks - UPDATED

A loyal reader asked me last week to think about a series of posts on how to connect with the unchurched and unbelievers. I’ve written generally on these topics in the past (see, e.g., “Steps toward Evangelism” and “Ways to Get Outside the Christian Bubble”). Today, here are some more basic steps to accomplish this task.... Read More

Related Post:
Tis the Season
While checking the stats for Anglicans Ablaze, I noticed that one reader had viewed an article that I wrote and which I posted on September 4, 2010. In the article I suggested ways that a church starter might gather a core-group for a new church. The ways that I suggested for gathering members of a core-group work equally as well for meeting unchurched and unbelieving members of the community and forming relationships with them. I have posted a link to the article (see "related post"). You may want to check it out. If I come across any more articles like this one, I'll post links to them. A tip of the Canterbury cap to the reader who viewed the article.

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