
Friday, July 13, 2018

Friday's Catch: "5 Leadership Lessons I Learned Playing Settlers of Catan" and More

5 Leadership Lessons I Learned Playing Settlers of Catan

Beyond being an incredibly fun board game, Settlers of Catan, or simply “Catan” as we call it, can teach you a lot of lessons about life and leadership. Here are five about leadership I’ve learned from playing. Read More

5 Keys to Building Your Small Group Ministry

From clarifying your vision to defining a plan, these five keys will help you keep your small group ministry on track. Read More

Six Considerations for Selecting Mission Partners - Rainer on Leadership #449 [Podcast]

Churches are asked often to help fund or partner in missions. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss how to make those decisions thanks to a post by Sam Rainer. Listen Now

Study Finds Openness to the Gospel In Generation Z

A major new survey of 4,087 British adults on their attitudes toward religious people revealed that those of Generation Z are less likely to have a negative perception of Christians than millennials are. Read More

The young are the most open towards Christianity, British study finds

In a major new survey – the results of which are released today* - over 4,000 people were asked about their feelings towards religion and only 10% of the public agreed with the statement that ‘religion is a negative influence on society’. In fact, 44% of people surveyed agreed that they have had a positive experience of Christians and Christianity and half of British adults (51%) disagree that Christians are a negative force in society. Read More
May be I am missing something but the image that accompanies this article does not strike me as having any connection to the article. The article is about the positive attitude of young Brits toward Christianity not Americans protesting for religious freedom.

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