
Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday's Catch: The Adaptable Church and More

How to Grow an Adaptable Church

Here’s how our church rejected the false dichotomies that were keeping us stuck, and embraced Spirit-led change. Read More

Success and the Church Planter: A Response to This American Life

American church planting does...borrow a lot from American corporate culture. We need to have serious conversations about the idolatry that has been adopted into church planting along the way. Read More

Love Your Church’s Young Adults

Ruth Baker explains how we have young adults all wrong. Read More

Singles: A Vital Part of Our Churches, Part 2

It’s time to stop looking upon single people with suspicion and instead thank God for them. Read More

Seven Reasons People Give More to Their Church - Rainer on Leadership #453 [Podcast]

Money is a subject too many pastors avoid—but they shouldn’t. It’s important to preach and teach on biblical stewardship. Today Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe explain seven ways that can lead to increased giving. Listen Now

Seven Keys for a Pastor to Lead Well

What are some basic keys for pastors, in particular, to lead well? Read More

Toddlers Are Not Too Young for Jesus

Jaquelle Crow reviews The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, a resource for introducing young children to the truths of God's Word. Read More

5 Inspiring Stories about Evangelism [Video]

Five women share how the Lord is using them—in the midst of their everyday lives—to bring the truth of the gospel to friends, family, and neighbors. Watch Now

Intelligent Designer Babies? Christians Tell Pew Their Views on Gene Editing

Most believers favor CRISPR medical technology for fixing health conditions before birth, but not after it. Read More

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