
Monday, July 02, 2018

Monday's Catch: "5 Thoughts About Excellence In Ministry" and More

5 Thoughts About Excellence In Ministry

In the pursuit of excellence in your ministry, remember these five guiding principles. Read More

4 Ways to Be Gospel-Centered Beyond the Pulpit

While preaching the gospel—the one story of Scripture of God’s plan to redeem people from sin through Jesus—is critical, it is not all a pastor does, therefore it is not the only area where a pastor needs to be gospel-centered. Here are four ways for a pastor to be gospel-centered beyond the pulpit. Read More

When You're Lied About, Looked Down Up, or Doubted

Outlast it. Two simple words, but the only two words needed for you to get through some situations in life. Read More

3 Helps When You Can’t Pray

Maybe you can pray, but it feels like you can’t. This is not an uncommon experience for Christian leaders. Read More

Is There Anyone Praying For You?

What’s the point of the story? Maybe not much, other than that the Lord works in strange ways. But, the Lord reminded me afresh that night of several realities.... Read More

Are You a Thief Without Realizing It?

Are you a gossiper? Read More

Christian, Rethink Your Public Speech

Believer, if you truly relish a life of turmoil, public anger, boiling arguments, caustic debates and throwing out verbal darts like porcupine quills, you will genuinely help the cause of Christ by not identifying publicly as a Christian. Read More

Two-Thirds Find No Moral Problem With Marijuana

Thirty states and the District of Columbia have laws broadly legalizing marijuana in some form. Eight states and the District of Columbia have adopted the most expansive laws legalizing marijuana for recreational use. The changing laws are also bringing into question the morality of using pot. Read More

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