
Monday, July 09, 2018

Monday's Catch: The Church Revitalization Wave That Is Coming and More

Three Ways Churches Will Be Impacted in the Revitalization Wave That Is Coming

How will your church be impacted? Read More

The Types of Members That Do Not Build the Body

Chopo Mwanza describes the four kinds of church members that do not build up the body of Christ. Read More

The Doctrines of Graciousness: Five More Points for Young Calvinists

Giving mental assent to the Bible’s teachings about our depravity and God’s election, atonement, and grace is quicker and easier than learning to live out the kind of virtues God pairs with such precious truths. You can chop down a tree, and plant a new one, in just a few hours, but you cannot grow fruit overnight. Read More

What Is Jesus Doing Now?

As a very new Christian I was taken along to hear an evangelist speak. He spoke in a town hall in the north of Sydney night after night for a week. Every message ended the same way. Jesus was on the cross dying for the sins of the world and then there was an appeal to come forward and make a commitment to him. I was puzzled. A question pressed in on me: What is Jesus doing now? Maybe that is your question too as you look out on a world seemingly bereft of God for so many. Read More

10 Things You Should Know about the Great White Throne Judgment

It is all too easy to become discouraged and disheartened by the rampant presence of evil and injustice in our world today. It leaves us wondering: Will anything ever be done to bring to justice those who have perpetrated such wickedness? Will anything ever be done to reward those who are righteous? The answer is Yes! We have this assurance because of what we read in Revelation 20:11-15 concerning the final judgment. Here are ten things to keep in mind. Read More

What the Bible Teaches about Hell

What does the Bible teach about hell? To ask this question is acknowledge that hell is a biblical teaching. Thatis an appropriate starting point for considering the doctrine of hell. Read More

The Pastor as Churchman [Podcast]

Pastors need to be, first and always, disciples; the extraordinary call of a pastor never negates the ordinary call of a man to be a faithful follower of Lord Jesus. How might a pastor ensure that he partakes of the ordinary means of grace in the course of his ministry? Listen Now

The Apostle Paul Had Many Great Stories, Why Did He Tell This One?

The Corinthian understanding of the gospel is that when a person is a follower of Jesus their life of prosperity is only beginning. The abundant life begins at your Damascus. But Paul’s life tells an opposite story. Rather than an abundant life (of cupcakes and rainbows and unicorns) Paul was given an abundant life of suffering in Christ. It is this life which Paul would not trade for all the treasures in the world. His Damascus led him to descending in a basket to escape the hands of a tyrant, not exaltation into places of power. Read More

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