
Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday's Catch: Church Revitalization Leaders as Risk Takers and More

Five Reasons Why Church Revitalization Leaders Must Be Risk Takers

Church revitalization leaders should be consummate students of risk taking and change leadership. Thom Rainer offers five reasons why. Read More

5 Keys to Church Revitalization Most Leaders Miss

Going into a church revitalization effort with the wrong expectations, you’re bound to burn out. Here are key things to remember. Read More

11 Reasons Some Pastors Leave a Church Too Soon

Few pastors I know leave a church saying, “I know this is too early, but I’m leaving”; instead, they reach that conclusion after the fact. Read More

The Right Topic Will Make or Break Your Fall Launch

Nothing will accelerate your group launch faster than the right topic. When you choose a theme for an alignment series that is a common felt need in your congregation and your community, people will run to join groups. But, the reverse can also be true. Choosing the wrong topic will drive them away. Read More

10 Ways You Can Use Push Notifications to Grow Your Church by Increasing Engagement

Today, the vast majority of people in your church and community own a smartphone. With the rise in smartphone usage, the decline in email open rates, and general oversaturation of communication, your church needs to explore different ways to communicate with your church to get their attention. Read More

Iranian Christian Refugees Are Still Stranded in Austria. But Are Things About to Change?

Dozens of Christians and other religious minorities from Iran have been on a resettlement roller coaster. It just took a new turn. Read More

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