
Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday's Catch:"9 Things That Worked In The Church A Decade Ago That Don’t Today" and More

9 Things That Worked In The Church A Decade Ago That Don’t Today

What got you here won’t get you there. What used to work in church... doesn’t. Read More

5LQ Episode 265: Why People Leave Your Church

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research. Listen Now
You may want to look at the research as it relates to your denomination, assuming your denomination was included in the research.
Baby Boomers Are Returning to Church

The rebellious generation may become the religious generation. Baby boomers, those born between the years 1946 to 1964, are becoming more involved in church. Read More

3 Ways To Become The Godly Elders Today’s Youth Need – And Want To Follow

The best way to help foster the Fruit of the Spirit in others is not by demanding it of them, but by living it out with them. Read More

Hey, Boomers! Let’s Step Up And Be The Elders The Church Desperately Needs Right Now

We've been doing this badly, folks. Here are three simple steps to help my generation of Boomers become better at discipling the next generation. Read More

3 Ways to Make Bible Engagement Easier

How do we engage with scripture so that we develop into consistent readers and doers of the Word? Here are three ways to make bible engagement easier.... Read More

The Smallest Stage

In our lives, we occupy several places where we invest our hearts and find joy. We can view these “stages” as concentric circles that radiate from the small, secret stage to the larger, more public stage. Read More

A Sober Warning from the Earliest Christians

What are the similarities between the situation of the early Christians and ours? Read More

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