
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #09

Can Preachers Make an Impact in a Post-Christian World?

Herman Bavinck’s advice to 19th century pastors still holds true today. Read More

9 Ways You Can Preach Like Jesus

If there’s anyone we should emulate in preaching and teaching it’s Jesus, right? But how? Read More

John Piper: Bible-Oriented Preaching Or Entertainment?

"There are few things that burden me more or refresh me more than saying what I see in the Bible. I love to savor it. And I love to say it." Read More

The Curse of Knowledge: A Preaching Death Trap – Part 3 of 3

Today we are asking the question, how can we avoid the curse of knowledge when preaching? We’ve seen in the last two posts that being aware of the problem is a great first step and knowing why we’re prone to it helps, but what do we do about it? I want to give you three simple steps you can take with each and every sermon you preach to avoid falling into the death trap of the curse of knowledge. Read More

How to Recapture the Crowd

Your time is short and you still have content to cover. The final verse of the passage is so critical to their lives and the stakes are so high. You must recapture their attention to the Bible, but how do you do it? Read More

Crafting A Strong Sermon: 10 Checkpoints

It's not "10 easy steps" to preaching, but practical help to make sure your work is sound and true. Read More

Restore Passion To Your Preaching: Three Essential Steps

You may think it can be hidden, but when you lose your passion for the pulpit your congregation can hear the difference. Recapture the fire! Read More

Can I Preach It If I Haven't Mastered It?

Should pastors preach on topics where they have no life experience or areas they haven't yet mastered? Read More

The Preacher as Mentor

Preachers exert a unique influence as messengers of God and mentors in the faith. Here’s how. Read More

Why Preach the Psalms?

The short answer to the “why preach them?” question is, “so that we all learn to pray them”. Unlike other parts of scripture, I take it that the primary reason we hear sermons on them is not simply to listen to the word of God (although we do that) but that we may learn to speak to God. So the question, “why preach them?” resolves into the question, “why pray them?” Read More

“Best of Preaching and Preachers” Episode 51: Preaching as Missions [Podcast]

In this episode of Preaching and Preachers, Zane Pratt joins Jason Allen in a discussion on preaching as missions. Listen Now

Must-Read Books for Preachers in 2018 (Recommended by Preachers and Church Leaders)

Looking for some must-read books for preachers because you are a preacher/pastor/church leader? Read More

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