
Monday, July 30, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #11

Dedicated to helping you grow as a minister of God's Word

9 Teaching Methods of Jesus

As pastors, if there is anyone we should emulate in our preaching and teaching it is Jesus! Right? So how did Jesus teach? Here are nine methods Jesus used that we can apply.... Read More

How to Preach to the Occasion

How do you preach at a wedding? How do you give a funeral message? How do you prepare a graduation or ordination address? Over the last few years I’ve had opportunities to speak at these special occasions. Here are some focus areas I’ve found that help get me in the right zone, rather than accidentally preparing another Sunday sermon. Read More

6 Traits Of A Biblically Faithful Preacher

God has called preachers to be faithful rather than successful. How can we be sure we are staying true to the call? Read More

Faithful Preaching amid Persecution

If we want to preach God’s Word without watering it down, we must embrace a proper perspective on persecution. But we live in an impatient and rebellious age, and sadly, even the church does not often have a healthy view of this subject. How, then, are we to find encouragement to preach faithfully in the midst of persecution? Read More

How To Give An Impromptu Speech When You Have Zero Prep Time

It freaks everyone out, but at some point or another, you’re going to be called to give an impromptu talk. Read More

How Sporadic Church Attendance Affects Preaching

Since the Bible calls us to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, we must think strategically about how we preach in this climate. If the average church attender is only hearing twenty-six to thirty-nine sermons a year, how can pastors make the most of each opportunity so our people are being changed by God’s word? Read More

5 Great Benefits of Using Real Paper for Sermon Preparation

We’re big fans of Evernote around here. But we’re also big fans of old school tools that still work. In fact, we may be missing out on some big benefits if we continue not using real paper for sermon preparation. Read More

How To Plan A Preaching Calendar

There's too much at stake to wing it week to week. Here are four practical suggestions to help structure your months ahead. Read More

Three Reasons to Try Long-Range Preaching Planning

It is ok to work ahead. In fact, it is wise. Here are three kingdom-shaping reasons to approach sermon prep through long-range planning. Read More

Why You Should Share The Preaching Load

Busy teaching pastors need time away from the pulpit to study, pray, rest, and refocus on the goal. Read More

Sermon Content Is What Appeals Most to Churchgoers

According to a 2017 Gallup poll, "the content of the sermons could be the most important factor in how soon worshippers return." Read More
While this poll was conducted in 2017, there is a strong likelihood that its findings, perhaps with some variations in the numbers, hold true in 2018. This kind of research is not subject to the fluctuations seen in political polls. Its findings certainly hold true in the region of the United States in which I live--the Jackson Purchase in westernmost Kentucky. While other factors such as children's ministry, community outreach and volunteer opportunities, youth ministry, social activities, and worship music may play a part, sermon content is the biggest draw across denominational lines. Frequency of communion is not a major factor except to a tiny segment of the population.

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