
Saturday, July 07, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #08

Five Questions I Ask of Every Sermon

Last year I developed a set of questions to ask myself about every sermon before I preach it. This helps me to evaluate its tone, content, and application. Read More

6 Tips For Preaching To A Hard Audience

Larry Moyer says "Hardened hearts need to hear from a communicator, not a speaker." Can you bridge the span to a hard audience? Read More

Should a Pastor use Greek and Hebrew in His Sermon?

5 steps to using Greek and Hebrew in your sermons (without boring your church) Read More

Preach Like Keith Green Sang

Jared Wilson explains what preachers of the gospel can learn from the way the late Keith Green sang. Read More

How to Build an Online Platform In Any Niche

Lane Sebring shows us how he built He hopes to inspire others to build their own online platforms so they can make a difference by sharing their expertise, passion, and creativity with the world. Read More

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