
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Thursday's Catch: The Gospel in Suburbia and More

The Gospel in Suburbia: Living on Mission in a “Soul-less” Place

The deep power of the hope of Jesus Christ can overcome any amount of separation, not matter how soul-less we may feel our communities to be. Read More

Planting Churches in a Divided Land [Podcast]

Tony Merida talks with Lucas Parks and Andrew Elder about church planting in Northern Ireland. Listen Now

Do You Know the Most Dangerous Person in Your Church?

The most dangerous person at your church is the apparently smart guy who is unteachable. Read More

For the Pastor Knee-Deep in Immorality

Tim Challies offers advice to pastors hiding serious sin. Read More

7 Ideas for Improving Bible Engagement in Your Church

How to encourage a deeper experience of Scripture. Read More

3 Worship Tips That Are Easy to Forget

Since I’ve made a purposeful switch to speaking on Sundays more often than leading worship on Sundays, everything is suddenly louder when I lead worship. Preaching three Sundays a month and then leading worship one Sunday a month has been so good for my worship leading soul. Here are some things I’m discovering often go untouched.... Read More

How to Make the Bible Central in Small Groups

And the shift in leader training that makes all the difference. Read More

Unfriending Convenience

Why Christians are called to inefficiency in an age of easy living. Read More

Don’t Be Introspective. Examine Yourself.

There’s a fine line between self-examination and introspection. Self-examination is good. Scripture exhorts us to examine and test ourselves (2 Cor. 13:5). So how might this important spiritual discipline take a turn for the worse? Read More

Is Your Sin Playing Possum

Our sin is similar to a possum playing dead. I like the way John Owen put it. Owen gives two ways in which we can think we’ve mortified a sin but it’s really only retreated for a season. Read More
The possums that raid my cat food dishes are pretty bold. They never play dead when I catch them red-handed, gobbling down what food is left in the bowls. They may retreat down the stairs of my back porch if I wave a broom in their face but as soon as I go inside, they return to finish the meal that I interrupted. The lesson that I have garnered from my dealings with these possums is that if you want to keep sin from returning, you have to adopt strong measures.

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