
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: Strongholds in Churches and More

5 Signs the Enemy Has a Stronghold in a Church

I’ve previously written about “Signs of Spiritual Attack,” and my focus was on individual battles. At the same time, though, some churches just seem to be hammered with evil. Based on my years of studying spiritual warfare—and recognizing that human sinfulness is at the root of all these issues—these things at least suggest ongoing strongholds in a church.... Read More

10 Questions Church Leaders Should Be Asking (But Probably Aren’t)

To help you start conversations with your leadership team around the development of your church, I’ve put together this list of ten questions that I hope will help guide you to a deeper conversation, even if they’re just a jump-off point to new questions that might stir in you. Read More

7 Subtle Signs Your Church Is Dying

How do you know whether your church’s best days are behind it? It’s a question that all leaders should ask—even leaders of growing churches. Read More

Why I Don’t Always Give People an Answer

I have a theory, which I practice often. I’ve been using it for many years – as a leader, father, a friend, and a pastor. It’s not always what people come looking to me for, but I think it’s the best practice. I don’t always give people answers. Read More

Can Your Soul Survive Facebook and Twitter?

Those who fall repeatedly for what are self-evidently absurd concepts on the internet are looking for a place to belong, and that’s the price. Read More

10 Things You Should Know about Christian Ethics

This article is part of the 10 Things You Should Know series. Read More

Vatican Warns of Prosperity Gospel Spreading Like a Noxious Weed

The Vatican is warning about the perils of the prosperity gospel, the belief that true followers of God are rich, healthy and happy. The prosperity gospel has been around since the 19th century but the continuing global growth of Pentecostalism, especially in Catholic dominated regions of the world, could be one of the reasons why the Vatican is being more vocal about this “pseudo-gospel.” Read More

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