
Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: "Why the Church Doesn't Need Any More Coffee Bars" and More

Why the Church Doesn't Need Any More Coffee Bars

More and more on my social media feeds I have been seeing a lot of churches boast of the cool, trendy new initiatives that they have begun. I have seen pictures of coffee bars that resemble Starbucks. I have seen lighting that resembles one seen on Broadway. I have read catchy sermon titles and have seen how people have brought the movies into their sermons. In so many of these posts, I see all that churches are doing to attract new members, but I don't hear them talking about the power of Jesus. Read More

Four Ways to Put Preferences in Their Proper Place, Part 1

If we are really considering others as more significant than ourselves, then we will not insist on our own preferences. Read More

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Quebec

Quebec is considered the largest unreached people group in North America with an estimate of about 99.3% of the population that is not Evangelical .... It is sometimes difficult for other Canadian Christians to imagine what the sheer proportion of unreached people mean in everyday life. I remember being a student in a 1500 student High School in Montreal and not knowing any other Christian there. Only very rarely would I work at a place where there would be one other believer. Read More

Five Examples of Effective Prayer Ministries [Video]

What prayer ministries does your church have? Watch Now

Between Two Kingdoms: Every Christian’s Dilemma

Since the ascension of Christ, Christians have sought for the right balance between God and government, between Kingdom and kingdoms, between Caesars and Lord. Read More

Repost: 7 Reasons Why I Believe in Attractional Evangelism

Attractional evangelism gets a bad rap as a man-centered, simplistic method. But it can actually be an effective tool. Here’s how. Read More
Next Fourth of July (or equivalent national holiday) you may want to sponsor a church picnic and fireworks display to which church members and attendees can invite friends, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers.

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