
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: The Benefits of Church Planting and More

7 Ways Church Planting Will Benefit Your Church

Planting is not only key to fulfilling the Great Commission, but here are seven ways that planting also benefits the sending church. Read More

The Personal Use of Church-Owned Vehicles

Before you allow the personal use of church-owned vehicles, review these guidelines to reduce the church’s liability. Read More

How to Teach the Bible to Children Even When It Is Complex

Children can handle complex concepts when given the opportunity. They are often more able to learn more than we give them credit for. In light of this, I want to share a few thoughts on teaching children the Bible and complex theological concepts. Read More

The Single Greatest Challenge of Your Christian Life

Clearly “confessing” Christ will be the most demanding challenge these men will face in their entire lives. Confessing Christ will also be the single greatest challenge in your life as a Christian believer. Here are seven ways to practice this confession.... Read More

10 Ways to Resist the Devil

It is one of the Bible’s many sweet and powerful promises: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). The question is, though, how do we do this? In very practical ways, how do we resist the devil? In Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, Thomas Brooks offers a list of ten ways the Christian can resist Satan’s temptations. Read More

8 Ways God Turns Temptations to Blessings

Just as a tree which is blown by the wind is settled and rooted deeper into the ground, the coming of a temptation simply settles the Christian deeper into divine grace. Here are eight ways God brings good from temptation. Read More

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