
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Are We Out of Step or Out of Touch?

“We want to reach our community!”

In 26 years of ministry, I’ve never led or consulted with a single congregation that didn’t say this. But for too many churches, it’s just not happening.

In conservative evangelical environments, I’m discovering a go-to excuse for why a church isn’t effectively reaching its community. They say they are faithful to the Gospel, which is offensive to their community. I hear many pastors say, “It is our responsibility to be out of step with the times.”

While it’s true the Gospel is eternally counter-cultural, I’m afraid many churches have confused “out of step” with “out of touch.” Being “out of step” is our calling. We’re cutting against the grain of culture in ways that bring genuine redemption and restoration

But there is a world of difference between being “out of step” and “out of touch.” If your church is merely “out of touch,” that isn’t faithfulness to the Gospel. That posture is one of ambivalence toward people Jesus died to save.

So what are the indicators your church might be out of touch? Ask yourself four questions. Read More

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