
Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday's Catch: Microchurches, Church Multiplication, and More

The Astonishing Power of Microchurches—and You

To make the greatest impact, we must shift our focus from making disciples to making disciple makers. Read More

What Are Micro Churches and How Can You Start One Yourself

Micro churches are sprouting up and giving small,local communities a cozier place of worship. Read More

The Emerging Microchurch Era: 4 Questions Your Church Should Ask

“The emerging microchurch era offers real hope for multiplying his witnesses ‘to the ends of the earth.’” Read More

5 Reasons Not to Plant a Church

We need more churches. To be more specific: we need more gospel-centered churches in more areas of missional need. In general, church planting is the most effective form of evangelism and more churches reach more people. What we don't need, however, are more churches planted for wrong reasons. What might some of those reasons be? Here are just five.... Read More

New Music Is Not Worth Fighting For – So What Is?

Change may be necessary. But we need to get there by fighting the important battles, not the trivial ones. Read More

Do Inconsistencies in the Gospels Undermine Scripture’s Inerrancy?

The earliest generation of Christians recognized that the Gospels weren’t intended to be strictly chronological. Therefore, when modern readers assume the Gospels are strictly chronological, they perceive “mistakes” in the Gospel accounts. But these readers are asking something of the Gospels the inspired authors never intended to give. Read More

How Has Social Media Changed Bible Reading?

On certain social-media platforms, people have a propensity to cherry-pick Scriptures more egregiously than elsewhere. Read More

Discipleship Through Lunchboxes

Whether your child has a G.I. Joe lunchbox or a paper sack, you can make it a great discipleship tool by including a special note from you. Read More

What It Means to Be Salt and Light

Jesus said we are to be salt and light to the world, but where do we start? Read More

Drowning in the Shallow End: How Cultural Attachments of Yesterday Are Diminishing Our Effectiveness Today

Evangelism in a postmodern context is predicated on listening well. Read More

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