
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #14

What’s the Difference Between Preaching and Teaching?

Simply put: The difference between preaching and teaching is that preaching is primarily geared toward life-change while teaching is primarily aimed at transferring knowledge. Read More

Preaching with the Expectation of a Miracle

One of the fundamental differences between teaching and preaching is that while both forms of communication deliver information, it’s in the preaching of the gospel that we are calling for a verdict. How often does the preacher enter the pulpit with a proper focus on the material that he has studied and prepared to deliver without looking into the eyes of the people and expecting a miracle? Read More

10 Questions to Ask in Your Sermon Preparation This Week

Pastors, I know from experience that sermon preparation is seldom easy—and I don’t want to add any stress to the process. Nevertheless, here are some questions I encourage you to ask as you prepare your sermons for this week.... Read More

3 Advantages of Outlining Your Sermon Before You Write It [Video]

Outlining your sermon. Do you do it? Watch the Content or Scroll Down and Read It

Consider Preschool before the Pulpit

Children’s ministry has a great deal to teach us about pulpit ministry, and make us more effective as a result. Read More

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