
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday's Catch: Baptism by Immersion and More

A joint baptism by an Anglican bishop and a Methodist pastor

Church History: When Did Churches Stop Baptizing by Immersion

Most of the students I teach seem to assume that the practice of immersion was already long-forgotten by the time of the Reformation—but this assumption doesn’t fit the historical facts. The facts are considerably more complex, but this much is clear: baptism by immersion was far from forgotten in the Western church in the era of the Reformation. Read More

How Run-Down Facilities Can Exacerbate the Decline in a Church - Revitalize &Replant #055

Facility issues can stall or hinder church growth. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss five reasons church facilities can cause decline in your church. Listen Now

Rural Matters Institute

RMI is a community for pastors and Christian leaders serving in non-urban contexts that was created to provide support, learning, and community for those working in non-urban contexts in North America. It is an institute of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. Learn More

How Your Brain Affects Your Leadership

There are three major brain systems that influence the way we lead. Understanding them will help you lead better. Read More

Is Anyone Godly Enough To Be a Pastor?

When it comes to evaluating the call to pastoral ministry, the first question a man must ask is: Am I godly? Read More

Why We Must Grieve Our Sin [Video]

In our church, whoever preaches has an opportunity to write up a devotional for some follow up reflection and study. Here is my last sermon and devotion. Watch Video and Read Devotional

Respectfully Engaging the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Video]

In this episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Richard Hornock discuss respectfully engaging the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Note: This interview was recorded before the president of the Utah-based church, Russell M. Nelson, asked people to discontinue use of the terms “Mormon” and “LDS.”Read More

7 Characteristics of Churches That Love Missions

I’ve moved several times in the last decade and have joined a church at each new place. Based off of my (admittedly limited) experience, I’ve observed these characteristics of churches that love missions.... Read More

Book Review: Practicing the Power, by Sam Storms

Storms’ recent not a defense of continuationism.... This book is better classified as a field manual on how to actually do what Reformed continuationists say they believe. It’s a book written to help Christians implement the practice of all the gifts, especially the sign gifts, of the Holy Spirit in their local church. Hence the title: Practicing the Power.Read More

United Methodists Are Not Very United These Days

Fault lines are developing in the United Methodist Church following a recommendation by the Council of Bishops in May to adopt the One Church Plan at a special General Conference to be held in February in St. Louis. The conference was called by bishops to help the denomination stay as unified as possible despite decades-old division over how accepting to be of homosexuality. But it looks like the lofty goal may be unraveling. Read More

Soon, No One in Your Church May Get Buried

More Americans are taking the phrase “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” literally these days. Cremation, which was once rare, has become the most common way for Americans to lay their earthly remains to rest. Just over half of Americans who die this year will choose cremation (53.5 percent) over burial, according to the National Funeral Director Association (NFDA).Read More

Many Churchgoers Want Sunday Morning Segregated … by Politics

Survey finds half of Protestants prefer to worship with people who share their views—and half believe they already do. Read More

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