
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thursday's Catch: Church Revitalization a Unique Calling? and More

Is Serving a Revitalization a Unique Calling - Revitalize & Replant #056

Every pastor should have a sense of calling to ministry. But is that necessarily to revitalization or not? Today, Thom Rainer, Mark Clifton, and Jonathan Howe discuss that calling. Listen Now

5 Things That Matter Most to Church Visitors

After cataloging feedback from mystery visits to more than 10,000 worship services across the nation, Faith Perceptions met with Facts & Trends to share what they’ve identified as the five most significant impressions that determine whether a church guest will return. Read More
This article may be a repost. If so, the title of the article has been changed. When I searched my blog for the article by this title, the search did not produce the article. If the article is a repost, it will not hurt to reread it.
The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity #6: Is Christianity Just about Being on a Spiritual “Journey”?

Is encouraging the personal search more important than group uniformity? Read More

12 Warning Signs You May Be Attending a Legalistic Church

This is a fun little post about a pretty serious subject. Rule-obsessed churches stifle the joy of Jesus in our souls by promoting legalism disguised as holiness. But instead of getting the full surrender to Christ they want, they get external compliance and inner misery instead. Read More

Pastoring through Pain

Michael Cooper takes a look at the various forms of hurt in which pastoral suffering can come. Read More

7 Reasons Your Ongoing Sins Hurt Your Church

Today I write to church members who have ongoing, perhaps hidden sin in their lives. My hunch is that may be more members than I imagine in many churches, and I want to challenge us to fight against being this kind of church member. Here’s why your ongoing sin can hurt your church.... Read More

Study the Culture to Better Share the Gospel

In our recent book, Apologetics at the Cross, Mark Allen and I cover some of the key cultural trends in the West that Christians today need to understand: modern pluralism, the age of authenticity, the therapeutic turn, and religious lethargy. In what follows I will briefly survey this last trend, and explain how we might talk to someone who has embraced it. Read More

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