
Thursday, August 09, 2018

Thursday's Catch: The Importance of Godly Zeal and More

Are You Zealous for God?

To be zealous is to focus all our attention on one thing…or rather, one person…the person of Jesus Christ. Perhaps most important for followers of Jesus, to be zealous is not an option but a command. Read More

Why Some Dying Churches Don't Know They Are Dying - Revitalize & Replant #053 [Podcast]

Dying churches often don’t realize their problem until it’s too late. Today Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe look at the reasons why. Listen Now

Renewing Your Church: The Power of Revitalization

There is nothing more exciting than a ministry that demonstrably requires the resurrection power of Jesus Christ from day one. Read More

Laypeople and the Mission of God: Part V – Essentials to Changing the Culture

Where do you start engaging laypeople in your church on a higher level? Read More

8 Indicators Worship Music Is Not Good

I’m not a singer or a musician, so I hesitate to write this post. On the other hand, the topic of worship and worship music is a critical one for believers. So, I write simply as a person who has worshiped in multiple settings on several continents, and who is concerned when worship music simply isn’t well done. Here are some of my indicators of when the worship music is not good....Read More
Pastors need better training in the use of worship music in church services. They may graduate from seminary with the idea that they can leave the worship music planning for the church services to the music leader. This is a costly mistake. They need to closely collaborate with the music leader in the selection of worship music, ensuring that the songs are accessible to the congregation, fit with any Scripture readings and the sermon, and are suited to the place in the church service where they are used. They need to be upfront with the music leader from the beginning that the function of the worship band or choir or both is to undergird the congregational singing and not to demonstrate its virtuosity in performing special music, and that the music leader is expected to take a deliberate approach to teaching new songs to the congregation and to helping the congregation to master these songs.
The Mark of the Most Successful Worship Leaders

Every week a pastor or worship leader chooses the songs his church will sing the following Sunday. Every week he combs through the possibilities to select the five or six that will best fit within the service he is planning. How can he choose well? How can he best serve his congregation in their singing? Read More

How to Build a Culture of Discipleship at Your Church

Many leadership development programs don’t take advantage of the ways people really learn. Here’s how to do it better. Read More

Moms Who Miscarry Benefit from Going to Church, Research Shows

National study ties church participation to improved mental health after a miscarriage. Read More

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