
Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: Vanishing Church Planters, Suspicious Worship Bands, and More

Where Have All the Church Planters Gone?

What’s the greatest hindrance to effective church planting? Read More

Five Things Clear Core Values Can Really Do For You

Discovering and defining core vlues is only the beginning, says Michael Lukaszewski. Learning how to USE them in an organization is where the difference is made. Read More

Laypeople and the Mission of God: Part IV- Changing the Culture of Expectation in Your Church

One of God’s greatest resources to fulfill His mission is people who are currently doing little to nothing– and they have been taught that is what they are supposed to be doing. Churches are filled with passive spectators rather than active participants in the mission of God. Read More

A Reason to Be Suspicious of Worship Bands

Have your church surrendered the liturgical functions of the congregation to the worship band? Read More
My observation is that more and more churches are surrendering the congregation's liturgical functions to the worship band. This is not a positive development. Congregations need to take back their liturgical functions--singing, praying, reading Scripture, sharing their testimony, and playing an active role in the church's observances of the Lord's Supper.
How Can We Overcome Our Fear of Evangelism?

Confidence in evangelism begins in the love of God. Read More

Nine Key Statistical Insights from Churches in 2018--Rainer on Leadership #456 [Podcast]

Tony Morgan joins Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe to discuss statistical trends he’s finding in churches today and what those trends can mean for churches in the future. Listen Now

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