
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: Oops!! and More

5 Basic Mistakes Churches Make Over And Over Again

Carey Nieuwhof identifies 5 frequent mistaks churches and church leaders make. Read More

Six Reasons Newcomers Should Get Plugged In

One of the biggest hurdles you will face as a church leader is convincing attenders they need to commit to their church family and become members. Today’s culture of independent individualism has created many spiritual orphans without any identity, accountability, or commitment. God is not silent on this issue. The Bible offers many compelling reasons why every believer needs to be committed to and active in a local fellowship

Read More Five Stages of a Pastor's Ministry [Video]

In today's Rainer Report Thom Rainer examines the five stages of a pastor's ministry. Watch Now

How to Make It Through a Difficult Transition

Whether or not you’re currently in a season of transition, these steps will help you make it through with your joy and faith intact. Read More

7 Church Website Mistakes to Avoid

How does your church website do when it comes to these 7 common mistakes? Read More

Someone I Love Won’t Believe. What Should I Do?

How can a mature Christian stand firm in the faith when a loved one refuses to bow the knee to Christ? I’ll answer with a couple of don’ts and a couple of do’s. Read More

4 Big Challenges Facing the Church in the West Today

The biggest challenges we face today are not from tyrannical regimes or oppressive governments. They are more subtle—proclivities and inclinations smuggled into our churches alongside the cultural sensibilities we’ve inherited. In this piece, I’d like to point out four cultural challenges I see, and I hope to circle back around to write a follow-up piece about each point. Read More

Prosperity Gospel Taught to 4 in 10 Evangelical Churchgoers

Survey finds most Protestants believe God wants them to prosper financially. But views diverge on whether they must tithe to receive it. Read More

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