
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #17

Preaching Talent is Overrated? (The Surprising Truth)

What separates the best communicators from the rest? Is it simply God-given talent? A spiritual gift of teaching or prophecy? Is it personality? Or is it something else? Read More

Monday's Random Thoughts about Yesterday's Preaching

Preachers, I’m speaking to you and to me today. For all of us who preached yesterday, here are my random thoughts about the task of proclaiming the Word. Lay leaders, pray for your pastors as you eavesdrop on this conversation among preachers. Read More

Seeker Comprehensible Preaching…Without Dumbing Down

I’m not saying that every attempt at preaching in a way that unchurched understand is dumbing down the preaching. I’ve written plenty on the value of seeker comprehensible preaching. I’m talking about those who so simplify the message that it is dumbed down. Read More

The Benefit of Bad Sermons

Poor preachers are gifts from the Lord. That’s what I learned, ironically, from one of the greatest preachers who ever lived. Read More

Boring Preaching Is A Crime! 7 Ways to Be Interesting

If you think the gathering of biblical facts and standing up with a Bible in your hand will automatically equip you to communicate well, you are desperately mistaken. It will not. You must work at being interesting. Boredom is a gross violation, being dull is a grave offense, and irrelevance is a disgrace to the gospel. Too often these three crimes go unpunished and we preachers are the criminals. ~ Charles Swindoll Read More

How to Stop the Inner Mental Chatter When You Preach

Have you ever had a sermon or talk be interrupted by a distracting inner dialogue? Here are some ways to deal with it. Read More

Outline That Sermon -- If You Can

Sure, it seems like a no-brainer, but what if you're a "right-brained preacher"? Read More

5 Tips to Make Series Titles at Your Church More Sticky

How do you create a compelling series title? Read More

Three Possibilities Preaching The Psalms

Instead of simply quoting a Psalm once in a while, when's the last time it was the featured text in your message?

Read More Why You Should Train Others To Preach

What is your church doing to train future preachers and pastors? Read More

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